Students Accessing Support

We enjoy a positive, supportive and nurturing community at Colyton Grammar School, but there will be times when students need extra support. Here are links to some useful external resources.


If you have any urgent safeguarding or child protection concerns you can contact the Devon MASH directly on:

0345 1551071 If you have an immediate concern for the safety or welfare of a child please call 999 or report any non-emergency concerns to the police via 101.

Mental Health:

Devon - Online chat

Devon – Headlight Support Groups

Phone: 07741 646 426

Young MindsNHS InformMindshift app (downloadable)NHS mental health information and support

Domestic abuse / violence:

Young DevonHelpline: 08082 810 155

Splitz Support Service Helpline: 0345 155 1074

ChildlineHelpline: 0800 1111 If you or anyone else is in immediate danger phone 999


Balloons Charity Helpline: 01392 826064Child Bereavement UKHelpline: 0800 02 888 40Hope AgainMosaic Family Support


Space Youth Project  X- PloreProud2Be2BUIntercom Trust


All social media apps and websites have a report to service function and blocking tools. Use these functions if you receive any offensive / upsetting messages or images online.

Report exploitation and abuse

Rape and Sexual Abuse:

National – Post-16 Rape and Sexual Abuse Line

Helpline: 0808 800 0188

Devon – post-13 Devon Rape Crisis and sexual abuse services Tel: 01392 204174

Dorset – Post-16 Rape Crisis Support Centre Tel: 01202 308855

Somerset – Rape and sexual abuse support Women’s helpline: 0808 801 0456 Men’s helpline: 0808 801 0464

Sexual Health:

Devon – Sexual Health



Choices Pregnancy CentreTel: 07826 715377

Exeter – Crisis Pregnancy Centre

Tel: 01392 662122

Sexual Health

Confidential counselling and practical support

Swish  NHS Sexual Health Dorset

Drugs and Alcohol Abuse:

Devon Tel: 0800 121 4751Turning PointTel: 0300 303 87 88Dorset – Reach YPTel: 0800 0434656 (option 2)FRANK Live chat and 24hr helpline: 0300 123 6600

Eating Disorders:

Beat Eating Disorders (link to 1-1 webchat)Studentline 0808 801 0811 Youthline (under 18 yrs) 0808 801 0711Eating Disorders Devon Dorset NHSSWEDA

School Nurse:

Text any question and receive a response within 24 hours.

Text: 07520631722 The school nurse can help to support you with questions relating to… healthy eating, puberty, relationships, sleeping, exam stress, sexual health, alcohol, smoking, drugs, self-harm, bullying, mental health and friendships.

You will not be asked to give your name but you may choose to do so. Information may be visible to other members of the school nursing team. If the school nurse is concerned for your safety they may pass your information to another service; they will attempt to contact your first.

Young Carers:

Devon Carers Devon Young CarersColyton Grammar School Young Carers