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Exam Information

Exams are one of the main goals of students whilst they are at school. With this is mind this area of the school web site will be used to keep parents and students up-to-date with both exam timetables and regulations. Please keep referring back to this page as it will evolve over time.

Colyton Grammar School follows the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Ofqual rules and expects all students to abide by those rules.

View the schools' performance page on the DfE Website


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If you have any queries regarding exams please contact the Exams Officer on 01297 552327 or by email:


General Reminders

Exam room details will be sent to all students via Teams. Please check prior to each exam.

Candidates Must:

  • Arrive at least ten minutes prior to the start of the exam;
  • Wear the correct school uniform;
  • Enter the exam room in silence;
  • Hand in all notes and potential technological/web enabled sources of information such as iPods, smart watches, mobile phones, mp3/4 players or wrist watches before entering the exam room;
  • Provide their own equipment for example pens, pencils, calculators, using a transparent pencil case or clear plastic bag. Calculators must be clear of anything stored in its memory;
  • Provide their own text when required for English exams which must be free from comments/annotations;
  • Check that they have the correct question paper and tier and that they have all materials detailed on the question paper e.g. a working calculator, anthology;
  • Write clearly and in black ink, except for multiple choice questions, drawings and rough notes where pencils may be used. Any rough work must be carried out on the exam paper and crossed through with a single line – no separate paper can be provided for this purpose;
  • Write their name on the exam paper and any additional sheets, using their legal name and any middle names;
  • Remain in silence at the end of the exam until all exam papers have been collected. When advised to do so by Invigilators they must leave the exam room in silence and remain silent until well away from the exam room as other candidates will often still be taking exams.

Candidates Must Not:

  • Have anything written on their hands/arms;
  • Wear jumpers or hoodies except for the regulation jumpers listed in the ‘school uniform’ listing;
  • Bring a calculator into a maths or computing non-calculator exam, or a calculator back/lid into the exam room;
  • Bring food into the exam room. They may however bring wrapperless sweets or mints and water into the exam in a clear see-through plastic bottle with no label on it;
  • Attempt to communicate with, or distract, other candidates;
  • Write inappropriate, obscene or offensive comments or draw graffiti on the examination papers;
  • Use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, blotting paper, highlighters or gel pens in the answers;
  • Wear charity wrist bands;
  • Leave before the official finish time.

General Notes:

  • Candidates who disobey the exam board regulations may find themselves disqualified from one or more exams;
  • Candidates who know they are going to arrive late, or are ill, or who cannot attend for some reason must telephone the school. Absence on medical grounds MUST be followed by either a Doctor’s note or a form JCQ/ME (which can be obtained from the Exams Officer) within seven days of the exam;
  • Any candidate who arrives late (after the exam has started) must sign in at Reception and then go straight to the Exams Officer who will arrange a late start if possible. This may not be possible for short exams, and for longer exams the full time cannot be guaranteed. Exam boards will refuse to mark a paper where candidates arrive very late;
  • Any candidate needing the toilet WILL be accompanied by an invigilator. No extra time will be allowed for this;
  • In the event of the fire alarm sounding, candidates must follow the instructions given by an invigilator.

Statutory Information



A Level Mock Examinations will take place between 13th and 28th January 2025. A timetable will be issued to students nearer the time.

The FINAL public examination dates for the Summer 2025 (GCSE and A Level) have been released. Click here for details. 

A Level History AQA 7042

Paper 1- 23rd May in the AM

Paper 2 - 6th June in the PM

Post Results Services

Post Results Services for the Summer 2024 examination season are now closed.


Exam Policies