Jimw colyton grammar school 261

Headteacher's Welcome


Jimw colyton grammar school 039

I am delighted to welcome you to Colyton Grammar School. In 1546 our school was established "for the goodly and virtuous education of children forever”. Today, Colyton Grammar School continues to be a non-fee paying, high performing school for academically able boys and girls. Our goal is to create excellence through intellectual curiosity and creativity and to enable our students to thrive as they take their next steps into the world of university and the workplace. Our values and mission have not really altered from those of our Tudor founders in that we want our young men and women to be people of great principle, integrity and character who are equipped to become the future leaders of their community.

The School has a reputation for academic success and the overwhelming majority of our students progress to the most highly selective universities and places of learning in the UK including Oxford, Cambridge and the Royal College of Music. Our success is built on high expectations, hard work and the fact that we are an inclusive school built on meritocracy. We are a school for every academically able child regardless of social-economic background, ethnicity or gender, with additional support and bursaries where they are needed.

Mr T Harris, Headteacher