Students visit Belgium and France

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News - Oct 9

In September, our History Department took 100 Year 11 students to Belgium and France for a three-day residential designed to complement their GCSE study of the British Sector of the Western Front, 1914-18.  

Over the course of the trip, students visited a wide array of sites including Essex Farm Cemetery, The Passchendaele Memorial Museum, Tyne Cot and Langemark Cemeteries, the Menin Gate, Thiepval Memorial and the Lochnagar Crater. A particular highlight for both staff and students was visiting the Menin Gate for the Last Post Ceremony where three students laid a wreath on the behalf of the school.  

We would like to thank Miss Rix for organising this visit and she, in turn, would like to thank all students who attended, for their punctuality for the very early starts and their exemplary behaviour whilst away.