Colyton Grammar School renames canteen in memory of former student thanks to your donations
News - Sep 10
Last year, we shared the sad news that Maddy Anholt, who left Colyton Grammar School in 2007, had passed away at the age of 35 from a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer. Over the summer, our school canteen has undergone a refurbishment and we are honoured to announce that in her memory the dining hall has been renamed ‘Maddy’s’ with her favourite colour being featured in the refurbishment. This refurbishment was enabled through the kind donations from our community at our first Giving Day held at school in April.
Last year the Senior House Captains have been raising money in Maddy’s honour for Women’s Aid, a charity that Maddy worked closely with during her lifetime. Across the house charity days and our Colyton Grammar School spin off ‘University Challenge’, we raised a grand total of £1045.14.
A conversation between a Women’s Aid support worker and a survivor on a Live Chat service costs £10, therefore with the funds that we have raised, Colyton Grammar School could help to fund 104 or more of these life changing and lifesaving conversations. It could also be put towards supporting a network of refugees who are still recovering from the hardship of the pandemic or help to fund incredible campaign projects such as the ‘Deserve to be Heard’ campaign.