Colyton students win Budleigh Literary Festival poetry competition
News - Oct 8
On Thursday 16th September a group of Year 8 and Year 9 Colyton students went to Budleigh Literary Festival. They participated in enjoyable poetry workshops to create Alice In Wonderland-themed poems. They performed these poems in front of a small, exclusive audience where they were judged on content and performance.
There were three teams who went to the festival. The team of 4 - Clara O, Arabella R, James W, Ruby H – won overall. A team of 2 – Henry C and Elliot F – were runners up. Sadly the third team did not place but all students were amazing, and deserve congratulations.
Report by: Caitlin M – Student Digital Media Executive
Image - Three members of overall winning team. L to R: Clara O, James W and Ruby H