Key Stage 4 team take on Physics Challenge

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News - Mar 3

A team from Colyton Grammar School, led by Mr Braithwaite, recently took part in the regional Physics Challenge. The account below was written by Jack, one of the members of the team: 

“The Physics Challenge was a great opportunity to stretch ourselves and also experience some competition from 15 other teams from local schools, which we promptly crushed. We had an excellent team and all of us contributed to our end result, which was of course encouraging in the face of looming GCSEs. Many thanks to Mr Braithwaite for organising and supervising the trip, without whom none of this would have happened!” 

In addition, CGS also entered a Year 10 team who, despite the fact that all the other teams consisted of Year 11 students, came third overall. A great achievement - well done to students and staff.  

Congratulations to all that took part. The future of UK Science and Engineering is safe in the hands of CGS! 

For an overview of Colyton Grammar School's physics curriculum, visit here