

Students studying Latin at Colyton Grammar School develop a profound appreciation of the ancient world, its language, literature, and culture, and its subsequent influence on Western culture. 

At the same time, by studying the Latin language they improve their linguistic precision, their vocabulary, and their understanding of the structures that underpin many modern languages. 

As a result, the study of the subject leaves students with a deep understanding of one of the most influential periods in human history and with the tools required to better make sense of the modern world, both culturally and linguistically. 

GCSE Latin 

The GCSE Latin course is open to all Year 9 students, with no previous experience of Latin required. It balances rigorous linguistic training with the study of the rich literary and cultural heritage of the ancient Romans. 

In Year 9, students develop their knowledge of Latin vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Alongside this, we introduce students to key themes in Roman history, society, and philosophy, encouraging them to reflect critically on how ancient ideas continue to shape the world today. 

In Year 10, this work continues, alongside more complex vocabulary and linguistic structures. We also begin to study the Roman civilisation and culture topics assessed at GCSE.

In Year 11, students cover the most challenging linguistic elements of the course, alongside studying Latin literary texts from a diverse range of Roman authors, such as Vigil, Ovid and Cicero, in preparation for Component 2 of the GCSE exam. 

The course offers an excellent grounding for students interested in further study of Classics, and those wishing to pursue Modern Foreign Languages. At the same time, studying Latin will significantly enrich the knowledge of students interested in continuing to study literature, history and the humanities.