Jimw colyton grammar school 279




Psychology is taught at A-Level to Years 12-13. Taking Psychology at A-Level is obviously an excellent base for those considering a Psychology-related university course or career, but includes many transferrable skills for other options such as evaluation and analysis, scientific research methods including statistical analysis, problem solving and communication.

- Miss Maiden, Head of Psychology


Psychology is a vast subject, so students are encouraged to pursue their particular interests in the subject through their Learning Journals, and through linking up with the subject’s Twitter account ‘PsyCOLYgy’

A residential trip to London currently runs in Year 13; students take in a hypnotherapy workshop, a talk at Bethlam (Bedlam) hospital and the Natural History Museum, amongst other features.

Sixth Form Subject Ambassadors run a Psychology Club for the lower school on Tuesday lunchtimes; this gives the opportunity to explore the more ‘pop’ side of Psychology through games, quizzes and so on. Plans are also afoot for a Psychology blog that can be run by the Subject Ambassadors, but contributed to by all Psychology students.

The upper years curriculum will involve the following:

  Year 12 Year 13

Autumn Term

Research Methods and Memory

Schizophrenia and Relationships

Spring Term 



Summer Term

Social Influence

Issues and Debates

Research Methods